Woody faces eviction from his beloved forest home. Seeking refuge, he stumbles upon Camp Woo Hoo, a bustling haven for nature enthusiasts. Delighted by the camp’s vibrant community, Woody believes he’s finally found a place to call home. However, his newfound happiness is threatened when a strict inspector arrives with plans to shut down the camp. Determined to save his newfound home, Woody rallies his friends and devises a plan to showcase the camp’s true value. Through teamwork and perseverance, they convince the inspector to reconsider, ensuring Camp Woo Hoo’s future and Woody’s place within it. Follow Afdah for more.
Woody Woodpecker Goes to Camp Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Woody Woodpecker Goes to Camp (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Adventure, Comedy, Family
Director: Jonathan A. Rosenbaum
Writer: Cory Edwards, Jim Martin, Stephen Mazur
Stars: Mary-Louise Parker, Josh Lawson, Chloe De Los Santos
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