Wolf Man (2025)

A family living in a remote farmhouse suffer an attack by a mysterious animal and the father starts a horrifying transformation. His physical appearance gets more alien-like and less human as the night gets longer. A family is right in the middle of a nightmare situation where they have to confront the fact that the father is not who he was before anymore. Not only are they struggling to stay alive but they are also challenged with the thought of how the transformation is actually the best for them. The family is at a point where the time clocked is against them. Follow Afdah Horror Movies for more.

Wolf Man Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Wolf Man (2025)
Genres: 2025 Movies | Horror
Director: Leigh Whannel
Writer: Leigh Whannell, Corbett Tuck
Stars: Christopher Abbott, Julia Garner, Matilda Firth

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