Back in Action (2025)

Long gone were the times when Emily and Matt were just content as CIA agents, now they are going through troublesome days. The chaos begins to form with the disclosure of our cherished stealthy identities to those connected with us. Because of the reality of having to deal with various enemies, the partners are obliged to undertake the extremely risky task of finding out the truth. The publication of the story also welcomes back the old enemies into their lives, whereas the stress acts as a test of their skills and their relationship. They search along a specific path through the mystery only to find out the conspiracy that had a worldwide yet uncommon interpretation. Finally, the two of them come together to defend themselves as well as the fragile peace which they had made. Follow Afdah Action Movies for more.

Back in Action Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Back in Action (2025)
Genres: 2025 Movies | Spy, Action, Comedy
Director: Seth Gordon
Writer: Seth Gordon, Brendan O’Brien
Stars: Jamie Foxx, Cameron Diaz, McKenna Roberts

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