Anora (2025)

The story of Anora and the man from Brooklyn who swept her off her feet began in Brooklyn. Their connection was direct and, turning spontaneously into a marriage, it resulted in Anora’s life being altered in one night. However, her new husband’s family, who are powerful Russian oligarchs, consider the union as being of an inappropriate nature. Therefore, to deal with the problem, they hurry to New York to annul the marriage, which is the beginning of a battle between love and familial control. Anora’s battle is a big one as she tries to secure the love which has been the opening to a new world for her. Follow Afdah Comedy Movies for more.

Anora Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Anora (2025)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Director: Sean Baker
Writer: Sean Baker
Stars: Mikey Madison, Paul Weissman, Lindsey Normington

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