Salim, Veysel, and Senol belong to a peasant family and they help with the chores. Salim and Veysel are shepherds and take care of their animals, while Senol, who in turn drops out of the school because of Salim’s disapproval, gives the best care to their sick mother. These marriage plans of Salim are Sobel’s biggest problem and, thus, constant clashes are created in the family. This exploded situation causes the brothers to question their dropouts and the fulfillment of their dreams. Follow Afdah Drama Movies for more.
Aga Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Aga (2025)
Genres: 2025 Movies | Drama
Director: Mevlüt Tasci
Writer: Savas Saylan, Dilek Çolak
Stars: Taner Cindoruk, Talha Dündar, Sait Seçkin
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