Plan B (2025)

A woman got pregnant after a one-night stand with her neighbor, who was socially awkward, and for this reason, she is scared of what will happen in the near future. She devises a risky plan, which is to make a rich businessman fall in love with her, make him believe he’s the father. As she is doing so, her life becomes an ongoing struggle while she is still in love with him. This narrative discloses the emotional and moral ambiguities of her decisions, addressing topics such as love, trust, and the collateral of retaining security that comes with lies. Follow Afdah Comedy Movies for more.

Plan B Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Plan B (2025)
Genres: 2025 Movies | Comedy, Romance
Director: Brandon Tamburri
Writer: Jean S. Monpère, Brandon Tamburri
Stars: Jamie Lee, Jon Heder, Shannon Elizabeth

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