Damaged (2024)

In this Detective Dan Lawson, from Chicago, embarks on a journey to Scotland to collaborate with Scottish Detective Boyd. The plot revolves around the resurgence of a serial killer whose crimes mirror an unsolved case Lawson investigated five years earlier. As they delve deeper into the investigation, they uncover chilling connections that stretch across continents. Their partnership faces challenges as cultural differences and personal demons threaten to derail their pursuit of justice. With time ticking away, Lawson and Boyd must navigate through twists and turns to stop the killer before more lives are lost. Follow Afdah for more.

Damaged Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Damaged (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Crime, Drama
Director: Terry McDonough
Writer: Paul Aniello, Gianni Capaldi, Koji Steven Sakai
Stars: Samuel L. Jackson, Vincent Cassel, Gianni Capaldi

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